*laughs uncontrollably for five minutes, then recovers and writes this comment, then reads this comment and wonders how long it will take to turn into a fractal abomination unto the internets. then types the previous sentence, then considers that to actually type a fractal abomination would take infinite amounts of time, so give up….. now.*
Comment ¬
There are currently no widgets assigned to the right-sidebar, place some!
Once you add widgets to this sidebar, this default information will go away.
Widgets can be added by going to your dashboard (wp-admin) ➔ Appearance ➔ Widgets, drag a widget you want to see into one of the appropriate sidebars.
jajajajajaja Nice work, as always. Thanks for the comic.
Wait, the image went away… thanks
*laughs uncontrollably for five minutes, then recovers and writes this comment, then reads this comment and wonders how long it will take to turn into a fractal abomination unto the internets. then types the previous sentence, then considers that to actually type a fractal abomination would take infinite amounts of time, so give up….. now.*