Sorry to tell you pal but, you are already death, and aparently in heaven, so there is not much we can do for you.
At this point having more than 2 female characters would be useful right? (No Poseidon, you donĀ“t count, no matter how stilish you think you are)
isis says she wants screen time too. but then, she’s my isis, not this comic’s isis, so I dont see why she’s complaining. brain hurts now. too many isises … isis’s?… iseese?
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Sorry to tell you pal but, you are already death, and aparently in heaven, so there is not much we can do for you.
At this point having more than 2 female characters would be useful right? (No Poseidon, you donĀ“t count, no matter how stilish you think you are)
isis says she wants screen time too. but then, she’s my isis, not this comic’s isis, so I dont see why she’s complaining. brain hurts now. too many isises … isis’s?… iseese?