Mmmm I wonder…. are we gonna get to see Santa come down from that chimmeney?
By the way, even if I am reading the archieves, Today is actually Christmas!!!!!! jaja funny isn´t it?
Quaft is right, actually. Different plant altogether. It’s a common enough mistake though. If that were mistletoe, everyone in the bough-decked halls would be forced to constantly kiss. 😉
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Mmmm I wonder…. are we gonna get to see Santa come down from that chimmeney?
By the way, even if I am reading the archieves, Today is actually Christmas!!!!!! jaja funny isn´t it?
FYI, that’s holly, not mistletoe.
PS: Sorry to nitpick! I’m really enjoying the comic!
A round red dot with white trim?
Quaft is right, actually. Different plant altogether. It’s a common enough mistake though. If that were mistletoe, everyone in the bough-decked halls would be forced to constantly kiss. 😉