December 25th is widely believed not to be the actual date of birth of Jesus Christ. The church moved the date to line up with a pagan holiday Yule I believe (I’m going to be a bit lazy and not make sure that is the correct holiday) to get more people to convert
This is going to look weird, being that it’s 2020 when I’m saying this, and the others were in 2011, but this is more for others like me, going through the archives. Anyway, the change of Christmas’s date was to entice the Pagans into celebrating their new holiday instead of the old one. Yule was more or less a celebration of the Winter Solstice. They did the same witg Easter. It was made to supplant the Pagan Vernal Equinox festivals. Why else do we have the whole “Easter Bunny” thing (aside from indoctrinating kids into celebrating it) and its associated paraphernalia?
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Parent usually donĀ“t forget about their childrens birthay…. so… are you drunk?
December 25th is widely believed not to be the actual date of birth of Jesus Christ. The church moved the date to line up with a pagan holiday Yule I believe (I’m going to be a bit lazy and not make sure that is the correct holiday) to get more people to convert
Phish is correct. Although I’m not sure about the Yule thing but I am also too lazy to check. Also, I’m running out of Nutella.
This is going to look weird, being that it’s 2020 when I’m saying this, and the others were in 2011, but this is more for others like me, going through the archives. Anyway, the change of Christmas’s date was to entice the Pagans into celebrating their new holiday instead of the old one. Yule was more or less a celebration of the Winter Solstice. They did the same witg Easter. It was made to supplant the Pagan Vernal Equinox festivals. Why else do we have the whole “Easter Bunny” thing (aside from indoctrinating kids into celebrating it) and its associated paraphernalia?